Good question I am glad you asked. I was looking for a new culture to through into the mix and I found the teddies. no these are not people that dress like teddy bears. here it is straight form wikipedia. 
The British Teddy Boy subculture is typified by young men wearing clothes inspired by the styles of the Edwardian period, which Savile Row tailors had tried to re-introduce after World War II. The group got its name after a 1953 newspaper headline shortened Edward to Teddyand coined the term Teddy Boy (also known as Ted). The subculture started in London in the 1950s and rapidly spread across the UK, soon becoming strongly associated with American rock and roll music of the period. The Teddy Boys were the first youth group in England to differentiate themselves as teenagers, thus helping to create a youth market.
Some groups of Teds formed gangs and gained notoriety following violent clashes with rival gangs, which were often exaggerated by the popular press. 
In the 1960s, many Teddy Boys became rockers.
Now there are other things that they did a long time after the originals established themselves. These things where not the intent of the original group. Most of these things occurred when the fashion and fade it American and can along with the American butchering of this culture into the rock culture. 